Sunday, November 18, 2007

How To Find A Stop Smoking Aid That Suits You

How To Find A Stop Smoking Aid That Suits You
By Graham Nicks

The most important factor in quitting smoking is having the right mindset. You must be at the point that you have seriously decided that you want to quit smoking now, once and for all. That's a great decision and very important step, but although many smokers are sincere in their desire to quit, they just can't break their smoking habit without some form of help from a quit smoking aid.
This is itself can be a bit of a dilemma as there are just so many different Stop Smoking Aids available these days, and it can be quite confusing deciding which stop smoking aid to use. For a start, different smokers have different metabolism's and what will work well for one smoker may not work at all well for another. Some quit smoking aids have side effects that can't be tolerated by some smokers but don't worry others, and so it goes.
Let's look at some of the Stop Smoking Aids on offer...
Nicotine PatchNicotine GumNicotine InhalerNicotine Nasal SpryHypnosis RemediesLazar RemediesHerbal RemediesMedical Remedies (drugs available only on prescription)
With a list like above where does the smokers start when confronted with all these different choices. For a start ask around to see any of your friends, or friends of friends have recently used any quit smoking aids successfully in their efforts to reach their quit smoking goal.
But even if you can find a reliable recommendation, as with a most things, different quit smoking aids will have different appeal for different folks. Some smokers will go for the prescription drugs whilst other will favour the herbal pills because of the possibility of the prescription drugs side effects. It's basically impossible to recommend what best suits a particular smoker trying to quit. Some have success with hypnosis, others may prefer and have had success with the nicotine patch, whilst at the same time there have been many recent reports claiming many smokers are having great success with the herbal pills. Apparently the herbal pills mimic nicotine and reduce the body's cravings without actually supplying nicotine to the system, which is basically what the patches, gums and nasal sprays are doing. Another bonus is there are no side effects because all the ingredients are natural.
So I guess my choice would lean towards trying the natural herbal pills as a quit smoking aid first, but it's a personal choice. The bottom line is, that whatever you use, you remain determined to reach your quit smoking goal and improve your life, health and wellbeing for you and your family.
Learn why you should Quit Smoking Now and How To Find a Quit Smoking Aid that Suits You by visiting: for free advice and resources on improving your health, fitness and beating the smoking habit.
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