Monday, November 26, 2007

Quit smoking support

Smoking is a very difficult problem to solve without good quit smoking support, a good plan is almost always needed when you aim at a nicotine-free life. Breaking this unhealthy habit isn't an easy task but it is not impossible either. The truth is that with quit smoking support millions have kicked the problem and now live a normal and healthy life. Many smokers simply neglect the risks involved and don't ask for quit smoking support; they are often the victims to heart problems or lung cancer. This happens because smokers aren't aware of the dangers they run, and they only find balance with professional quit smoking support. Statistics confirm that half of the people that smoke may die from a smoking-related illness. Smoking harms all the body organs and it simply reduces one's well being. Looking for quit smoking support may save your life!

Quit smoking support plans have a higher chance of success because the person will try to prepare for the upcoming problems. Many are still wondering today why it is so hard to quit smoking, the answer was given by specialists many times before, smoking is both a physical and a mental problem that can be solved with professional quit smoking support. Beyond the physical problems a quit smoking support program will help one face the psychological and the physical cravings. A quit smoking support solution will firstly identify the mental causes that trigger the need to smoke. Nicotine is the substance that causes unpleasant symptoms when trying to quit. Its withdrawal from the system is at the root of all the quitting crisis. Many health associations providing quit smoking support and instructions have concluded that nicotine is as dangerous as heroin and cocaine in terms of addiction.

When you smoke, nicotine reaches the brain within seconds and triggers several body changes like a small release of adrenaline and dopamine. Quit smoking programs will teach you how to deal with nicotine abstinence. The dopamine gives you the sensation of relaxation and satisfaction but it last only for two or three minutes when you will need another cigarette in order to relax again. For an increased chance to stop smoking look for suggestions over the Internet, a good place to start your search is where you will probably find good advice and quit smoking support solutions. The problem of smoking is easy to identify but harder to treat, this is why an effective quit smoking support solution is always needed for achieving your purpose of quit smoking.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Side Effects of Quitting

Most smokers who want to quit fail because of the quit smoking side effects, eliminating nicotine from your body is very hard and the battle can be harder than you think. Most quit smoking side effects are related to the blood sugar levels. Symptoms like inability to concentrate, dizziness or headaches may usually appear in the first three or four days. The quit smoking side effects are also called withdrawal symptoms and their intensity varies with each individual. All known statistics show that ex-smokers live longer and healthier than any smoker, and this should be a strong reason for anyone to quit. The battle with quit smoking side effects is tough particularly during the first days after quitting, you may feel irritable, confused, depressed or anxious. The cause for these quit smoking side effects is the reduced level of nicotine in the blood.

Some therapists recommend the use of nicotine inhalers, nicotine gums or patches since they release a small quantity of nicotine in the blood reducing the quit smoking side effects. Smokers who already suffer from depression or anxiety can hardly quit as they use cigarettes as a relief, in such cases psychological treatment is a must. Quit smoking side effects will be very hard to deal with for people with a stressful life, as nicotine has a relaxing effect on the human body. So in order to avoid severe quit smoking side effects the person should ask for professional help and attend ex-smoker discussions. Other quit smoking side effects which may appear include insomnia or putting on weight.

Specialists say that putting between 5 and 10 pounds of weight after you quit smoking is one of the normal quit smoking side effects. The weight problem is caused by the low levels of sugar in your blood. After smoking the nicotine passes into the blood in a matter of seconds releasing sugar reserves from the body, sugar is vital to the brain normal functioning. But the sugar passes from normal food to the blood in about 20 minutes. One quit smoking side effect is that you will feel the need to eat because your brain is asking for sugar. The problem that people don't understand is that no matter how much you eat the body will still need 20 minutes to pass the sugar to the brain, so theoretically it won't be a big difference between eating a candy or ten of them. To find out more about smoking side effects surf the Internet or simply visit .

Sunday, November 18, 2007

How To Find A Stop Smoking Aid That Suits You

How To Find A Stop Smoking Aid That Suits You
By Graham Nicks

The most important factor in quitting smoking is having the right mindset. You must be at the point that you have seriously decided that you want to quit smoking now, once and for all. That's a great decision and very important step, but although many smokers are sincere in their desire to quit, they just can't break their smoking habit without some form of help from a quit smoking aid.
This is itself can be a bit of a dilemma as there are just so many different Stop Smoking Aids available these days, and it can be quite confusing deciding which stop smoking aid to use. For a start, different smokers have different metabolism's and what will work well for one smoker may not work at all well for another. Some quit smoking aids have side effects that can't be tolerated by some smokers but don't worry others, and so it goes.
Let's look at some of the Stop Smoking Aids on offer...
Nicotine PatchNicotine GumNicotine InhalerNicotine Nasal SpryHypnosis RemediesLazar RemediesHerbal RemediesMedical Remedies (drugs available only on prescription)
With a list like above where does the smokers start when confronted with all these different choices. For a start ask around to see any of your friends, or friends of friends have recently used any quit smoking aids successfully in their efforts to reach their quit smoking goal.
But even if you can find a reliable recommendation, as with a most things, different quit smoking aids will have different appeal for different folks. Some smokers will go for the prescription drugs whilst other will favour the herbal pills because of the possibility of the prescription drugs side effects. It's basically impossible to recommend what best suits a particular smoker trying to quit. Some have success with hypnosis, others may prefer and have had success with the nicotine patch, whilst at the same time there have been many recent reports claiming many smokers are having great success with the herbal pills. Apparently the herbal pills mimic nicotine and reduce the body's cravings without actually supplying nicotine to the system, which is basically what the patches, gums and nasal sprays are doing. Another bonus is there are no side effects because all the ingredients are natural.
So I guess my choice would lean towards trying the natural herbal pills as a quit smoking aid first, but it's a personal choice. The bottom line is, that whatever you use, you remain determined to reach your quit smoking goal and improve your life, health and wellbeing for you and your family.
Learn why you should Quit Smoking Now and How To Find a Quit Smoking Aid that Suits You by visiting: for free advice and resources on improving your health, fitness and beating the smoking habit.
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Laser Treament for Smoking?

Laser treatment to quit smoking

The laser treatment to quit smoking is one of the latest weapons against smoking, it uses a cold laser that is focused on several points on your body. It is related closely to acupuncture but it is a lot safer and with better results. The laser treatment to quit smoking has been successfully used all over the world, and in countries like England, Europe and Canada it has a history of 20 years. One of the best parts about this treatment is that it doesn't hurt at all, you will feel relaxed and comfortable. Many patients that accept laser treatment to quit smoking also think about the gaining weight problem. When nicotine leaves your body several changes occur that may cause extra weight accumulation. This side effect appears rarely and can be avoided easily with a proper diet and supplements.

Insurances don't cover laser treatment to quit smoking so make your budget plan before choosing this option. Results can't been assured by any quit smoking alternative because two factors are included in the laser treatment to quit smoking: the physical and psychological one. The physical problem can be eliminated 100% but you may still feel like smoking. A laser treatment to quit smoking won't change your diet to keep you from putting on weight, you will simply guided towards a change according to your life style and eating habits. Theoretically there are no side effects to laser treatment to quit smoking but there are some people that can't use it. The laser treatment to quit smoking is not recommended in cases of epilepsy, blood disorders, pregnancy, cancer or during chemotherapy or radiation therapy. If you are not sure of what anti-smoking treatment to use take a look on the Internet, and this site is a good start .

Laser treatment to quit smoking needs no previous preparations, but it is advisable to drink several glasses of water or natural juice and have some minerals and vitamins tablets to help your body recover. Supplements are needed because nicotine draws vitamins from the body when eliminated, this isn't a rule but it can prevent health problems. Laser treatment to quit smoking has a very good success rate and more than 64% succeeded in getting rid of the addiction. One of the most important factors that influence success or failure is personal determination in winning this battle against smoking. Laser treatment to quit smoking might not be enough if you don't change your life style, therefore try avoiding any events that might cause a relapse. If you decide to use a laser treatment to quit smoking and you will notice a good change in all the aspects of your life.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Does Hypnosis Work?

Is free stop smoking hypnosis any good or safe?

Smoking is one of the biggest problems that troubles our modern society as more than 4 million people die every year from a smoking caused illness. Free stop smoking hypnosis is one of the most modern methods to fight nicotine. The cause of smoking is different for each individual as there is a variety of emotional and psychological factors involved. A personal problem can make one start smoking just like a very stressful life style. The free stop smoking hypnosis helps you from inside your own mind. If the smoking causes are within each individual doctors say that the cure is also there. So this is why any quit–smoking program comes with a lot of counseling for helping one overcome all the imminent difficulties. Some people are ready to try new free stop smoking hypnosis techniques and are pleased with the results. Let's see the pros and cons of free stop smoking hypnosis methods.

The problem with free stop smoking hypnosis treatments is that you don't really know what it really goes on during the procedure. Basically during free stop smoking hypnosis sessions the nicotine addiction should be eliminated from your subconscious. Maybe you've seen shows where a person is hypnotized and then makes some foolish things, all those happenings are real. About the method, yes, it can be useful, because the mind can simply be programmed to hate cigarettes but I wouldn't trust anyone to play with my mind. Theoretically free stop smoking hypnosis can be successfully applied to some patients and if you surf the Internet for opinions you will find a lot of happy stories as well as some complaints against this method. Presently a large number of free stop smoking hypnosis mp3s exist on various sites.

As I see it the only advantage to stop smoking hypnosis method over the classical treatments is that there are no side effects as those reported in the case of some nicotine-based substitutes. As a common disadvantage of the free stop smoking hypnosis mp3 files that can be found on the Internet is that you'll have to waste a lot of time listening to them. Usually about 6 hours of listening are needed every week so if you have this time to spend, the free stop smoking hypnosis might be the solution for you. However, it would be best to turn to a professional in the field, even if you have to pay for the procedure. Such organized non-free stop smoking hypnosis therapy shows results sooner than the free variants available on the Internet.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Want to quit smoking?

Smoking is a terrible thing. I started years ago and have tried to quit many times without success. I found this method the other day and I think you should definitely check it out. If you value your health. Click here!

Best Way To Quit Smoking

The best way to stop smoking

Finding the best way to stop smoking is something almost impossible because every person reacts differently to various stimuli or triggers so there are very slight chances for someone to come up with the best way to stop smoking that will help everybody. The fact is that any smoker who wants to quit must first have a strong reason to do so, it is almost impossible to find the best way to stop smoking unless you believe in it. If you ask ten persons who quit smoking what the secret is you will receive 80% different answers, this statistics simply shows how hard it is for science to develop the best way to stop smoking. So practically everyone is encouraged to use whatever methods necessary to eliminate this problem. As one best way to stop smoking, I've read about who wrote on a list all the reasons for quitting, thus every time the need for a cigarette appeared she simple took a look at the list and remembered how bad smoking is.

Many smokers turn to medication and discussion groups as the best way to stop smoking, some even choose to change all their life eliminating the activities that encourage smoking. Such decisions make the best way to stop smoking within a specific case, the chance to work the same way for another person is very low. For some people there are alternative best ways to stop smoking, which include spiritual practices that bring about inner balance and positive thinking. For those of you that are eager to try some sort of spiritual courses to recover your health, read all the information you find and always turn to a specialist for such sessions. When talking about classical medicine miraculous cures as the best ways to stop smoking don't exist, so you shouldn't believe claims that someone discovered the best way to stop smoking that works within a blink of an eye.

Many smokes fear to search for the best way to stop smoking in their case because deep down inside, they don't want to quit for a variety of reasons. The weight problem is the main argument, though in fact doctors showed that overweight is more a metabolism problem that nicotine-related one. Finding the best way to stop smoking is a challenge for everybody, it can be discovered more easily by people who have a stronger character, this is why many find quitting the hardest thing they've ever tried while others say that they simply quit without medication or any other help. If you like searching the Internet for solution you can take a look over it might give you some valuable information.